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The 14th Gwangju Biennale 'soft and weak like water'
发布日期 2023-03-06 11:18 点击量 12910

The 14th Gwangju Biennale soft and weak like water will be held from April 7 to July 9, 2023. soft and weak like water takes its inspiration from a chapter of Dao De Jing, a fundamental Daoist text, which speaks of water’s capacity to embrace contradictions and paradoxes. The Biennale proposes to imagine our shared planet as a site of resistance, coexistence, solidarity, and care, by thinking through the transformative and restorative potential of water. Bringing together around 80 artists from different corners of the globe, the Biennale will present over 40 commissioned projects and new works. Artists from various generations and distinct cultural backgrounds will bring forgotten aspects of the past and history into the present through works that center on narratives that have hitherto remained on the periphery.


DATES 2023.4.7–7.9 (94 days)

TITLE soft and weak like water

VENUES Gwangju Biennale Exhibition Hall, Gwangju National Museum, Horanggasy Artpolygon, and select locations in Gwangju Metropolitan City

ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Sook-Kyung Lee (Senior Curator, International Art at Tate Modern





비엔날레 안내자료(영문).pdf

제14회 광주비엔날레 홍보엽서(영문,국문).pdf


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